Rif. offerta 1948/2024

Test Engineer - PEM Water Electrolysis-Fuel Cells

Offerta di Lavoro

UFI Hydrogen seeks a Testing Engineer/Scientist to join the team to help build and operate a testing facility. The role involves acquiring and constructing test benches, developing electrochemical testing protocols, and troubleshooting issues during testing operations. The aim is to validate membrane electrode assembly materials' performance with a focus on final application. The ideal candidate will be innovative, proactive, and committed to advancing hydrogen technology.

Creatore annuncio
Qualifica ISTAT
Chimici e professioni assimilate
Luogo di lavoro
Ala (TN)


Luogo di lavoro
Comune di ALA (TN)
Per candidarsi
Send your cv to hi-jobs.adl@provincia.tn.it specifying that you are applying for "UFI Hydrogen - Test Engineer"
  • M.S. or Ph.D. in Chemical or Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, or Chemistry with 3+ years of experience in industrial and R&D testing of electrochemical devices.


Job Overview

  • Data di pubblicazione

  • Scade il

    ( 25-06-2024 )

  • Luogo di lavoro

    Ala (TN)